Leave a Legacy
Leave a Legacy
No matter your current income, you can be part of securing an abundant future for the Oxford Community Arts Center and the members of our community. After securing economic stability and providing for the needs of your loved ones, you may choose to make a lasting charitable impact through a Legacy Gift.
Types of Gifts
Gifts can be structured to benefit the donor or the Oxford Community Arts Center during the donor’s lifetime or to benefit the Oxford Community Arts Center at the death of the donor.
Possible financial arrangements include:
Bequest: The bequest through your will or trust enables you to retain the asset during your life and provides significant support to the Oxford Community Arts Center when you no longer require the asset. It's as easy as including a sentence or two in your will, such as:
Cash Legacy: To the Oxford Community Arts Center, located at 10 S. College Ave, Oxford, OH, with Federal Tax ID Number 31-1761141, I bequeath a sum no less than, but not to exceed, $________ to be used for general operating purposes as an unrestricted charitable contribution.
Insurance: An existing or a new policy may be donated (in full, in part, or with a percentage) or the Legacy Endowment Fund may be named a beneficiary.
Retirement Plan Assets: When bequeathed to the Oxford Community Arts Center, your Retirement Plan Assets may be transferred tax-free.
Stocks and Bonds: Gifting property that has appreciated allows the donor a tax deduction for market value.
Please be sure to consult with your own legal and/or financial advisor as you begin to develop your giving plans.
Contact the Oxford Community Arts Center.
Email: ocac@oxarts.org
Tel: 513-524-8506
Download the 2019-2020 Annual Report.
Please note the Fiscal Year ran April 1, 2019-March 31, 2020.