Board of Trustees
The Oxford Community Arts Center Board of Trustees is a group of community and arts-minded volunteers responsible for the overall governance of the OCAC, focusing primarily on its mission, strategy, and goals. Board members agree to serve a three-year term with an option for one additional three-year term. Elected officers serve a two-year term.
Meets 2nd Thursday of the month at 1:30 PM.
Viewable OCAC 2023-27 Strategic Plan
The OCAC Board is committed to thoroughly reviewing our 5-year Strategic Plan as part of the Annual Meeting, ensuring its continued relevance and alignment with our mission. This steadfast commitment reflects our proactive approach to adaptability, long-term sustainability, and measuring success.
Rosalyn Benson, President
Term: 2023-2026
Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Program Committee
Rosalyn retired from her roles at Miami University as Assistant Dean for the College of Creative Arts and as an Instructor and Director in the Theater Department. She is one of the founders and principal of the Caroline Scott Players, a semi-professional resident theatre company. She is an active member of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church.
Connie McCarthy, Vice-President
Term: 2021-2024, 2024-2027
Co-Chair: Development Committee
Executive Committee, Facilities & Restoration Committee, Program Committee
Connie is a registered architect with over 30 years of experience, whose practice focuses on educational facilities in both the K-12 and Higher Education sectors. She retired from Miami University in 2020 as Associate Director of Capital Projects. She currently provides consulting services to public owners on construction projects.
Kimberly Peterka, Secretary
Term: 2024-2027
Co-Chair: Annual Gala Committee
Executive Committee, Facilities & Restoration
In addition to her ongoing involvement with Oxford Community Arts Center and Des Fleur Garden Club, Kim is also the Vice President of KIMSCO & Akretep, Inc., a real estate and commercial enterprise.
Elizabeth Brice, Treasurer
Term: 2022-2025
Executive Committee, Finance Committee
Elizabeth has lived in and around Oxford since 1984 and retired from Miami University Libraries as Assistant Dean for Technical Services and Special Collections in 2015. She has enjoyed watercolor painting for 30 years and is a Resident Artist with a studio on the third floor and a Consignment Artist for the Art Shop.
Alan deCourcy, Past-President
Term: 2019-2022, 2022-2025
Co-Chair: Development Committee
Executive Committee
Amy Bartel
Term: 2024-2027
Chair: Program Committee
Roger Gates
Term: 2021-2024, 2024-2027
Chair: Policy & Human Resources Committee
Jason N. Gross, D.C.
Term: 2023-2026
Policy & Human Resources Committee
Jeff MacDonald
Term: 2019-2022, 2022-2025
Chair: Facilities & Restoration Committee
Development Committee, Annual Gala Committee
Jeff and his wife, Debbie, were owners of Ace Hardware from October 1985 until July 2017. Together, they led Oxford's successful United Way campaign in 2012 and were honored as “Couple of the Year” by the Citizens of the Year selection committee in December 2016.
Ellen McCune
Term: 2024-2027
Program Committee
Robert Mullenix
Term: 2020-2023, 2023-2026
Chair: Art Exhibitions Committee
Roxanne Ornelas
Term: 2023-2026
Art Exhibitions Committee
Roxanne Ornelas recently retired as an Associate Professor in the Geography Department at Miami University. She received a Ph.D. in Geography with an emphasis in environmental policy from the University of Minnesota. As an environmentalist, much of her research emphasized indigenous peoples, women, water resources and the environment.
Ellen Price
Term: 2022-2025
Art Exhibitions Committee
Ellen retired from Miami University, where she taught printmaking in the Art Department. She earned an MFA in Printmaking from Indiana University and has exhibited her artwork widely. Ellen is also active in the Oxford League of Women Voters and a regular volunteer at Oxford’s TOPSS food pantry.
Allan Winkler
Term: 2022-2025
Development Committee, Finance Committee
Allan retired as a University Dedicated Professor of History at Miami University, having taught there and at other institutions for almost 50 years. A folk musician, he enjoys performing with the Mudlick Five, frequently for the OCAC's 2nd Friday Celebration of the Arts and solo all over this area.